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Yearly Archives: 2016

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Some of my best friends are books and they live on a wall of bookshelves my husband built for me. There is one section on those shelves where my very best friends live, the ones with the dog-eared pages and every-other-word underlined – the books that I pull down off the shelf weekly or daily to be reminded of what I truly believe about life. A new friend has made her home there this month – a new friend reminding me of truths I had forgotten and calling my eyes to open to God’s beauty, goodness and love in a whole new way – Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs.

I have gone through several pregnancy losses, one was during birth on my son’s due date and I found that searching for beauty in my everyday was what kept me going, let me know God was real in the midst, and brought healing. I have lived through hard seasons when in order to just get through the day I desperately searched for one good, beautiful thing to hold onto, reminding me that God was still present and at work.

But as life normalizes and days are full of the usual disappointments and difficulties, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty God gives – to think that clinging onto a whisp of wind or a flower petal is something only crazy, grief-stricken people do. And so I got busy, and so I got dry.

Until I was honored to receive an advance copy of Annie Down’s newest book Looking for Lovely. I had no idea what a powerful gift it would be, bringing me back to gratitude and hope in a whole new way.

In her book, Annie tells us of her experience with “broken crazy” and how God guided her into “looking for lovely.” Each chapter is a heartfelt story that leads you into seeking out and celebrating the simple, miraculous loveliness that God infuses our days with.

So I’m looking again now. The treasure hunt has begun, and I’m searching along with friends – with this book in hand, with Annie and with all the women who I know are seeking along with me. Knocking so He will answer. Seeking to find. We are looking for lovely, and once our eyes are opened the hunt is easy because loveliness is one wave after wave cascading over us. Sunrises and sunsets, spring flowers and dew on the grass, painted nails, pancake breakfasts, dinner with friends, a long walk, the comfort of a good book… endless blessings. His loveliness surrounds us, surrounds me, and I am so thankful for this kind friend’s call to seek it out, to open my eyes and my heart to beauty again and trust that in doing so my heart will be healed and awakened.

So wherever you’re at today… If you’re reeling in the wake of loss or you’re numbed by endless laundry and diaper duty… This book is your call to find the spectacular in your everyday, seek out stunning beauty and revel in the simple loveliness that God gives us with every breath. You can find it at your local bookstore, on Amazon or Barnes and Nobles.

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“The goofy thing about the Christian faith is that you believe it and don’t believe it at the same time. It isn’t unlike having an imaginary friend. I believe in Jesus; I believe He is the Son of God, but every time I sit down to explain this to somebody I feel like a palm reader, like somebody who works at a circus or a kid who is always making things up or somebody at a Star Trek convention who hasn’t figured out the show isn’t real.


When one of my friends becomes a Christian… the experience is euphoric. I see in their eyes the trueness of the story.”

– Donald Miller in Blue Like Jazz

This weekend I was with a group of women worshipping and learning and being silly together, and I saw it. And I see it in these people that sprung from my body and I have no idea how they are who they are, but they know Him. I see it in them and in the world our Father made. So we take long walks on the pier at sunset and he brings a saxophone along, because we want to catch a glimpse… We want to look deep at the trueness of the story.

For more images of time spent outdoors in this amazing world, head over to Childhood Unplugged



Every year we begin with a climb. Right up the hill and back. We’re joined by crowds making the pilgrimage to a better self, and a new calendar. We don’t find a better self, but the calendar pages keep flying by, and each year we remind ourselves who we are on this hike. We are together and we are lovers of the sky and sea and wind. We are stragglers just walking weary and awestruck. And we are journeying hand in hand through every dark challenge and across magic shores lit pink by setting sun. This is a new year, beginning anew right where we left off. Click over to Childhood Unplugged to see more adventures.

