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Thank You

I thought I would post some pictures I took of my friend all dressed up to go to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball with her husband. She looked lovely and he was so into her – super sweet! I loved their energy and it’s neat to see a couple have a special time together aside from all the deployments and time apart. It made me think about how the sacrifice doesn’t stop with those who serve our country, it extends out to their families, many times it is most difficult for their families. . .

We have had our share of goodbyes and homecomings. I miss my man so dearly when he is gone, it feels like a part of me has been cut off and I find it ridiculously difficult to cope. Each homecoming has been so sweet, a honeymoon all over again and I feel blessed to experience a rekindling that few marriages ever know. The haphazard rhythm of come and go can make life feel crazy, but what a small price compared to what so many have paid. This Veteran’s Day I don’t just think of grandparents and news stories, I think of losses close to home and wish I could fill families and heal hearts. I think of babies born with fathers far away, loving wives lives’ shattered with a knock, silver haired women laying a rose upon a grave. I think of children who will never know their daddy’s laugh, of mothers and lovers who bravely wear a smile while they worry and wait, friends who smoke a cigarette in honor, share a drink and tell a story. I think of the chair left empty and the flag waved high, of Harley’s roaring and women weeping.

I think of these realities, often hidden from our eyes and wonder how we overlook the freedom and blessing we enjoy? How do I take for granted our time together, food on the table, babies sleeping safely, votes to cast and knowledge freely bestowed? Don’t get me wrong, I know our country is having a hard time. We rush harried into the 21st century and wonder if we have lost our way. Everything seems postmodern fragmented, truth turned on its head. Before we throw in the towel and slide into disillusionment can we sit at history’s wizened feet? When brother fought brother in front yard battles, when peers were chained to injustice, when the world sank into a fight for it’s soul, when Wall Street tumbled and fell, when presidents and preachers were shot, when we were not free, did we ever give up then? No we fought and won, rebuilt and lent a helping hand, flew to the moon and sailed the seas, righted wrongs and punished injustice. I believe we can do it again, that we should “Never, never, never give up.” I believe we owe this to those who have come before us, to our children’s children, and to our Lord.

All that to say, I love my country and  I want to say Thank You to those from so many walks of life who step up to serve her, and so serve us. I am blessed beyond measure to be together with my family and I never want to forget those who have made that possible or loose sight of those who don’t have that opportunity. This world is cruel; a spot in the sun is always dearly won and should never be squandered, but cherished, protected and employed for good. It these guys didn’t think it would be a perfect stroll in the park, why should we?

“I am mortified beyond expression when I view the clouds which have spread over the brightest morn that ever dawned upon any country.” George Washington

“These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman . . . Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”  Thomas Paine