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Monthly Archives: July 2011

In  one 15 min drive in SoCal I saw…

1. A young man in a suit casually skateboarding to the Apple store.

2. A white haired guy in a convertible VW Bug with a thatched roof.

3. A respectable looking man riding his fixed gear bicycle down Coast Highway with a black full face motorcycle helmet on.

… and no, I unfortunately did not get a picture of any of it.

First morning at the beach cottage and surf’s up! Waxing boards and off they go, into the whitewater, then to the kid’s cove for some boogie boarding and crab catching. A quick run back to the cottage for refueling and they are at it again until sunset and campfires. Sticky from s’mores they will drift asleep with their crustacean friends. Soaking in these sunkissed days while we wait for fireworks.

( 85mm – 7.2.11 – morning to midday in shade)

a favorite David Gray song, he sings, “it’s the morning of my life…”

and it is theirs

the morning of their lives, sun rising slowly, light breaking through, steadily spreading, wondering what is to come, contemplating what they do and do not know – and then they’re off !

our first morning at the beach cottage, up at the break of dawn after barely going to bed, campfire still burning, salty hair barely dry, groggy and a bit grouchy till they remember they are at the beach and then the are charging hard for the surf, living life as it was meant to be for an entire week

( 85mm 1.2L – 7.2.2011 – 6 or 7 am )