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Like when a surfer catches the perfect wave, aware he hasn’t made the swell, it was a gift. Blessings are in every breath, but sometimes a bit of perfection shines through the everyday. And that… that is a startling enough piece of grace to stop us in our tracks.

Staying on the beach for a week I learned you have to position yourself in a place to see it though. You must be quiet, eyes open or they slip right by. Each day full, a torrent of beauty sliding right past as we rush and worry, shutting ourselves up tight in our perfect plans.

Outside of four walls enclosing, the morning rises in beauty, light playing it’s ever changing song. Sand and sea bathed pastel, until the soft shadows are banished to make room for a sun soaked day. Then sun blazing over scorching sand and turquoise waves crashing, children play on the fringes of an ocean reaching to infinity.

As sun slips down, shadows lengthen and light grows golden. Families trail back to cottages and tents, fires are lit and food shared as we wait for the show. Then the magical play, no two moments alike, applauding and blessing our day reveling in this creation. The grand finale leaves us speechless and travels on to bless another. We sit and savor in the moonlit dark, watching constellations and  flickering flames, the richest of theater. All is meditation and silliness, wringing out one last moment before we give in to sleep.

These moments run on and we wish to hold them in our hand but “time stands still for no man.” Yet jewels of grace are given when we capture, fleeting as it is, a wave, a photograph, a memory, a poem . . . and grace by definition continues. God does not grow weary and His beauty does not fade, it grows and grows until the light of day.

I think it is just up to us to stop and see, receive.

The babies will grow up, my body will grow weak, the houses fall down, the knowledge change, but His beauty will remain and we can always look forward to receive what we can not even imagine.

( 85mm – 7.2.11 – sunset – SOOC )

  • Sue - Momz eyes
    Dads mouth
    Dancing and marching togetherReplyCancel