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Monthly Archives: March 2010

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Boys drawing

 A perfect, quiet morning moment.., my boys happily painting!

 One dressed as Max (Where the Wild Things Are) one dressed as Superman – which is of course necessary when creating a masterpiece, maybe I need to dress up before I paint to get the creative juices flowing:) 

Green princes

Today some wonderful friends held a lovely party inspired by knights, princesses and general fairytale happiness. Girls climbed the monkey bars in snow white dresses, while little boys had sword fights in the park. There were royal cupcakes and treasures fit for a king and queen, complete with little froggy princes and princesses in a fitting green hue for St Patrick's Day. My boys were all business when it came to eating frogs:)

A perfect day filled with children running free with each other and their imaginations, and drawing us into their magic… 


 Art makes life beautiful and pain bearable. God, our creator gives us His truth and the ability to create in order to sustain us and make sense of the unexplainable. 

Thank you Lisa and Angie for creating a way for mothers to carry the babies they can no longer hold…marked by love, audrey's necklace. I love that it has weight and holds body heat, reminding you of the child held by God that you still long to hold - Here is a poem that carried me when I thought could no longer stand…

"I stood a beggar of God before His royal throne

And begged him for one priceless gift, which I could call my own.
I took the gift from out His hand, but as I would depart I cried,
‘But Lord this is a thorn and it has pierced my heart.
This is a strange and hurtful gift which Thou hast given me.
He said, ‘My child, I give good gifts and gave My best to thee.
I took it home and though at first the cruel thorn hurt sore,
As long years passed I learned at last to love it more and more.
I learned He never gives a thorn without this added grace,
He takes the thorn to pin aside the veil which hides His face.”
-Martha Snell Nicholson

                                                  …to the thought of Spring,

Winter sketch

Winter is hard to let go of this year, it has been a good friend. It's cold, gray, quietness a comfortable place for my grieving heart. I don't feel ready for sunshiny, carefree warmth, long days and new life…

I wish I could accept the season's change with faithful innocence like my children eagerly anticipating the ice cream truck's return. Still, spring breezes and budding flowers are surprising me and wooing me, and I feel myself giving in, tilting my face to the sunshine…

but I'm hesitant and pull out my favorite winter day, muted by snow, captured by my pencil, and hold it close even while beginning to dream of garden walks and summer sketches…