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7-26-12 Perfect Day

This is what all days are meant to be.

Taking pictures of Aaron’s last day of his five week Jr Lifeguard camp. Out on the sand in the grey with my David man. Cameras around our necks and the sun coming out.

Walking and making images together under the blue sky. Him making friends as always and swinging out over the sea. Swinging swinging flying and I play with my camera, try to catch a bit of what the moments actually are.

We watch Aaron catch waves and see his face so proud that we have seen and documented and this is why I am always looking through my lens, grabbing bits of our time and constructing a rough approximate of the life pounding through each second. I will share those images in the next post. And then there was quiet at home, coffee and tea, babies napping, Dad studying. I edit and revel in the silent moments, unspoken, solid, love. Back to the beach with just an iPhone to snatch the beauty. Sundrenched boys digging to timbucto and baby on a surfboard begging to be paddled out to sea. We wade waste deep round him and laugh – laugh and gaze spellbound at blond hair blowing. Towel dry and run across sand to hamburgers grilled and a potluck goodbye to lifeguard life til next summer. The families all file out to pavement and vehicles waiting and we run unanimous towards the days’ last fiery show, sunsetting pink and purple and boys dug even deeper in sand and ocean lapping. I’m always wondering and trying to find just the right formula to help me keep the life I never made. Life freely given and I want to trap it, make it follow my routine. My man, he settles me, reminds me all I can do is watch and thank and take in tiny pieces through my lens. He reminds me this is them learning God and knowing Him is all they will need. If they can see Him in the sunset then they can weather this heavy world. Driving home by moonlit waters to back porch fire and song and s’mores, our little tribe together is more than enough.

7-26-12 . 24-70mm at 28 . f/11-f/22 . sunny day . LR + VSCO