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He Runs Outside

He always wants to “day owdi” (play outside) He whines and screams if he can’t follow his big brothers into fun and adventure.

He’s happiest digging and throwing dirt. He grabs peas off the vine and stuffs them in his mouth.

He is amazed by ev. ry. thing.

He loves shoes, grown up silverware, small furniture and insists on drinking out of real cups.

He’s already too cool for school and all grown up in his book.

He throws his arms in the air and yells “yay” for anything he likes, which still include “mum mums” (take your best guess)

He adores Da Da and “dog dogs”. He called our new tadpoles fishies today.

He throws his whole body into running and his whole heart into loving.

He is our gift, our miracle. We have had almost two years in a lovely home with this precious man. We’ve had to work through a lot and it hasn’t always been pretty. We have both wanted to quit, to give up. But as always we keep pressing and our good Father has given us this time, this place to rest and heal.

Baby man thinks he is ready to conquer the world and we feel the season shifting, the winds of change blowing. We are leading big boys running into little men now, no longer babies. In the loosing there always comes the thrill of newness. New adventures, new challenges as we learn this next step. We wrestle with decisions and step cautiously into uncharted territory that will only look clear in the rear view. Our mistakes and trials brushed in bold strokes upon my memory, I struggle against regret to grab hold of all the blessings and lessons.

Learning, teaching always walk hand in hand. I pray for grace and wisdom in this day to prepare them for the next. We find His goodness, His whisper in the growing things, the rain kissed garden and the sunlit wild.

5-23-12 . 24-70mm . vsco + lr . cloudy morning

  • Kairos » Time for Everything - […] is the second part of this post . . . a morning alone in the garden with my golden haired boy, a perfect moment in time. Confusion […] ReplyCancel

  • Charlene - Lady Sharon, I Find You Amazing…
    Your Texts Are Perfect; Your Photography Rich In Love and Expression…
    One Of My BEST Days Was When We Met At the Oceanside Harbor; There I Discovered You and Your Incredible Gift…
    God Bless You and Your Family,…
    I Will Always Follow You…ReplyCancel

    • Sharon - Thank you Charlene! It is so good to know you are following and enjoying my writing and images. It was really neat meeting you ladies 🙂ReplyCancel