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We know this place, and it knows us.

I shared a Saturday morning soon after we moved to SoCal here, but I wanted to share a few more pics from that morning. Really it could be any morning. I have so many photos to sort, edit and make sense of, but I felt like I needed to go back to the beginning. Denny’s was the beginning of us and the Pannikin was the beginning of our family. The place we sat and let things steep till all our dreams and plans started to bubble over into real life. The tables there looked the same when we returned to them after a five year forced seperation. Those tables that have heard the stories of our lives. Thankful, eager, terrified, angry, bitter, confused, content, satisfied, hopeful, motivated, joyous, silly, we spill it all out in front of that yellow house under green umbrellas. When all has been said for the time being we lean back and watch and wonder what their stories are. The people of the Pannikin are most excellent subjects for people watching.

August 2010. 24-70